On the hottest of summer days when your house just doesn’t seem to ever become cool enough for comfort, homeowners are often caught between surrendering to heated discomfort or cranking up the AC and dealing with extremely high energy bills. You’ve done everything you can think of to try to keep that hot summer outdoor air out of your home, but it’s still uncomfortably hot – what else can you do?
3 reasons your home is too hot, along with tips you can follow to keep the heat outdoors, where it belongs.
- It’s possible for up to 50% of your cooled air to be lost to the outside! Drafts are responsible for most of the lost cool air in your home. This happens through gaps in windows, doors, architraves, wall vents, and even electrical outlets. Call Masters AC in Fort Wayne– we offer many professional solutions to permanently and properly seal your home, which will help you control the ventilation in your home and dramatically reduce your air conditioning usage.
- Your windows are prime offenders when it comes to keeping the hot heat outdoors during the summer. Even if you have blinds and shades in place, heat coming through your windows can be excessive. This is because glass is an excellent heat conductor. If your windows are single glazed, heat will radiate into your home quickly. Don’t replace your windows in order to find relief! Have a Masters technician visit your home today.
- Shingles on a roof can get extremely hot, as they heat up, the heat is pushed down into the attic space and then into your home. Proper insulation or fan ventilation will provide relief over the summer months.
Masters can help you reduce your energy bills and optimize your home for energy efficiency. When it comes to heating and AC in Fort Wayne, call on Masters – we proudly serve the entire area and offer Fort Wayne air conditioning services, heating services, plumbing services and more. Contact us today!